The Moen Blade Grinding Jig is a popular knifemaking tool for creating consistent and precise bevels.
Here are some tips and suggestions for using it and getting the best results.
1. Watch the video before you purchase it and after you purchase it watch it a couple of times before you get started.
2. It is very important to always apply consistent even pressure, whether light or medium.
3. Clamp with intended plunge line away from the carbides.
4. Start with 60g belt and stay 1/4" away from the intended plunge line.
5. Do not grind across the entire belt (this will overgrind your tip and cause headaches).
6. Grind about halfway across the belt with the tip and then pull away.
7. Move to a 220g belt and blend into the finished plunge line.
8. Move to a 400g belt, then 600g, and up as required.
- I would recommend watching the Video!
- I watched it 4 or 5 times before I ground my first blade, Jerry explains many of the subtle techniques while you are watching. These tips are just too difficult to put down on paper but they can be easily understood by watching the video.
Here is the link to the video: https://www.knifemaker.ca/collections/new-blade-grinding-fixture